Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Formação e Oficinas de Psicoterapia Integrativa


Working with Narcissistic, Borderline, and Schizoid Personalty Traits

Richard Erskine, Ph.D.

4 day workshop: March 14 - March 17, 2019
Freiberg, Germany

We are often confronted in our personal and professional lives, even in politics, with people who have a "difficult personality“. On the basis of his Integrative Transactional Analytic approach Dr. Richard Erskine will provide a profound understanding of psychodynamics, aetiology, intrapsychic process, and professional handling of narcissistic, borderline and schizoid personalities. This workshop will include formal teaching, live demonstrations of Richard Erskine's methods of Relational and Integrative Psychotherapy, group discussions, and a relational group process.

This workshop is designed to enhance the professional competency of participants in the fields of psychotherapy, coaching, consulting, and education.

It is suggested that participants prepare for this workshop by reading

Relational Patterns, Therapeutic Presence

by Richard G. Erskine, published by Karnac Books, London.

available through or

Contato: For Information and to register please contact: Dr. Anne Kohlhaas Reith
O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa é autorizado pela Associação Americana de Psicologia a oferecer educação continuada para psicólogos, pelo Conselho Nacional de Conselheiros Certificados para aqueles que fazem aconselhamento, e pelo Conselho Americano de Examinadores Pastorais para aconselhamento pastoral. O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa assume a responsabilidade por este programa e seu conteúdo.