Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Formação e Oficinas de Psicoterapia Integrativa


Psychotherapy of Unconscious Relational Patterns

Richard Erskine, Ph.D.
Sponsored by UK Relational Psychotherapy Association and The Manchester Psychotherapy Training Institute

Five-day Residential Workshop: Wednesday, May 20 to Sunday, May 24, 2020
Manchester, UK

In this experiential worksop we will explore the concept of Unconscious Relational Patterns by nvestigating how early attachment styles, physiological survival reactions, infantile coping strategies, relational disruptions, and developmental crises influence and shape peoples’ lives.

Participants are expected to read and be able to discuss the following three

1) Erskine, R.G. (2008). Psychotherapy of Unconscious Experience. Transactional Analysis Journal, 38: No. 2, 128-138.

2) Erskine, R.G. (2009). Life Scripts and Attachment Patterns: Theoretical Integration and Therapeutic Involvement. Transactional Analysis Journal, 39; No. 3, 207-218

3) Erskine, R. G. (2010). Life Scripts: Unconscious Relational Patterns and Psychotherapeutic Involvement. In R. G.Erskine (Ed.), Life Scripts: A Transactional Analysis of Unconscious Relational Patterns, (pp. 1-28). London Karnac Books.

This experiential workshop is for mental health professionals who want to apply theory in clinical practice and to enhance their effectiveness through identifying aspects of their own contact interruption, life script, and countertransference. Richard will do live therapy with some participants, as time allows, and engage the entire group in a discussion about the theory and methods used. There may be an opportunity for supervision of participants own therapy practice and a relational group process.

Contato: For Information and to register please contact:
Brenda Palmer, UK Relational Psychotherapy Association
Telefone: +44 (0) 1572 757004
O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa é autorizado pela Associação Americana de Psicologia a oferecer educação continuada para psicólogos, pelo Conselho Nacional de Conselheiros Certificados para aqueles que fazem aconselhamento, e pelo Conselho Americano de Examinadores Pastorais para aconselhamento pastoral. O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa assume a responsabilidade por este programa e seu conteúdo.