Integrative Psychotherapy
Training Programs and Workshops
Psycho-Integrative© Therapy for Experienced Psychotherapists and Counsellors
Richard Erskine, Ph.D.
Sponsored by UK Relational Psychotherapy Association
Through lectures and group discussions of theory-into-clinical practice,assigned readings, and the presentation of participants' clinical cases for consultation, this course will provide experienced psychotherapists and counsellors with an intellectually rich understanding of the Theory and Methods of ©Psycho-Integrative and Relational Therapy.
Concepts that may be covered include the psycho integration of Dissociation, Ego Fragmentation and Splitting; the Psychotherapy of Introjection and Internal-Criticism; the Relational Methods for working with Psychological Vulnerability and Internal Withdrawal; an Integrative Psychotherapy perspective on Intrapsychic-Conflict and Therapeutic Regression; Attachment Patterns and Unconscious Experience; and a Psycho-Integrative©/Relational Therapy for the Borderline Client. There will be an opportunity for participants to discuss cases from their own practice for supervision.
This course leads to International Integrative Psychotherapy Association (IIPA) certification as an Integrative Psychotherapist or Counsellor. A certificate of Continuing Professional Development is issued on completion of the course.
Tel: (+44) 01476 862125
January 29-31; June 22-26 (5-days); September 24-26 & December 3-5, 2011.
January 28-30; June 20 -24 (5-days); September 22-24 & December 1-3, 2012.