Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Workshops di Psicoterapia Integrativa


Developmentally Based, Relationally Focused Integrative Psychotherapy

Richard G. Erskine, PhD.

A Five-day Residential Workshop : May 28 to June 1, 2021
Domaine Les Fougeres, Mirmande, France (near Montelimar)

This five day workshop will include a mixture of Integrative Psychotherapy theory, a discus-sion of developmentally based and relationally focused methods, and live therapy with some participants. The focus of the teaching, discussions, and demonstrations will be on the centrality of the therapeutic relationship while emphasizing the in-depth methods of a psychotherapy that integrates the client's affect, cognition, physiology and behavior.

The themes of this residential workshop may include Life Scripts, unconscious pre-reflective patterns, non-verbal communication, introjection, and physiological survival reactions. Vari-ous methods may be taught and demonstrated may include:
• therapy from a child development perspective;
• establishing an involved therapeutic relationship;
• facilitating a safe, supportive regression; and/or
• providing body-centred psychotherapy.

This workshop is for mental health professionals who want to apply theory in clinical prac-tice and to enhance their effectiveness through identifying aspects of their own contact in-terruption, life script, and countertransference.

Dr. Erskine will do live therapy with some of the members of the group. He will then dis-cuss the theory and methods used in the live therapy. Participants are requested to read both Beyond Empathy and the articles on the website: Pease come to the workshop prepared to ask questions and engage in a lively discussion about the theory and methods of a developmentally based, relationally focused Integrative Psychotherapy.

Contatti: Steffi Tarade
Tel: (+ 33) 687 399 297
Web page:
This workshop will be in French and English with professional translation and will provide 25 hours of training credit towards certification as an Integrative Psychotherapist by the Commission on Standards and Certification of the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association
L’Istituto di Psicoterapia Integrativa è approvato dalla Associazione di Psicologia Americana per il patrocinio della formazione continua per psicologi, dal Comitato Nazionale di Counselor Certificati e dal Comitato Americano di Esaminatori nel Counselling pastorale per Counselors Pastorali. L’Istituto di Psicoterapia Integrativa mantiene responsabilità per questo programma ed i suoi contenuti.