Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Formação e Oficinas de Psicoterapia Integrativa


Developmentally Based, Relationally Focused Integrative Psychotherapy

Richard G. Erskine, PhD.

A Professional Development Seminar: September 6, 2019; November 1, 2019;
January 10, 2020; March 6, 2020; April 24, 2020
Vancouver, BC, Canada

This series of five professional development seminars will meet for one-day every two months. This seminar is designed to provide the experienced psychotherapist with a dialogical forum to discuss ad-vanced concepts and methods of a relational and integrative psycho-therapy. Seminar members will read selected articles on the theory and methods of psychotherapy and Richard Erskine will lead seminar members in discussions focused on how the concepts and methods can be used in each participant’s clinical practice. Participants are invited to bring clinical cases for discussion and supervision. A dis-cussion of professional ethics and innovative methods will be central in this seminar.

Contato: Richard G. Erskine, Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy
Suite 802, 1470 Pennyfarthing Drive, Vancouver, BC, V6J 4Y2
Página da Web: (+1) 604 565 7271
Dates: September 7, 2018; November 2, 2018;
January 11, 2019; March 1, 2019; May 3, 2019
A certificate of Continuing Professional Education will be issued on completion of this series.
O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa é autorizado pela Associação Americana de Psicologia a oferecer educação continuada para psicólogos, pelo Conselho Nacional de Conselheiros Certificados para aqueles que fazem aconselhamento, e pelo Conselho Americano de Examinadores Pastorais para aconselhamento pastoral. O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa assume a responsabilidade por este programa e seu conteúdo.