Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Formação e Oficinas de Psicoterapia Integrativa


Therapeutic Age Regression: Remembering, Re-experiencing, and Reliving

Richard Erskine, Ph.D.
Sponsored by BIOS Psychotherapy Training Institute Bilbao, Spain

A 5-day Training and Experiential Seminar: Friday, September 18 through Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Amalurra Retreat Centr (near Bilbao)

This professional development seminar is designed to provide the experienced psychotherapist with a dialogical forum to discuss the theory and methods that facilitate a supportive age regression in an in-depth psychotherapy. Psychologi-cal age regression frequently occurs in the process of psychotherapy as well in every-day life. Sensitive therapeutic guidance is essential to ensure that the re-gression will be healing of the traumas and neglects of childhood and not rein-forcing of archaic patterns of psychological organization.

Richard Erskine and Amaia Mauriz-Etxabe will make use of both a Child Devel-opmental and Relational perspectives in their teaching about how to:
• work with the client’s unconscious processes;
• identify and use implicit and procedural memories;
• identify various forms of age regression;
• formulate developmental images;
• use therapeutic inference;
• use various methods that facilitate the healing of relational disruptions;
• protectively differentiate between re-experiencing and reliving;
• titrate the level of therapeutic support according to the client’s capacity;
• ethically facilitate regressive psychotherapy.

Emphasis will be placed on the therapeutic use of attunement to the client’s af-fect and developmental level of psychological organization, the physical and re-lational needs of young children, and the interpersonal qualities of the psycho-therapist. This workshop is for psychotherapists and counsellors who want to refine their professional understanding and therapy skills in facilitating in-depth psychotherapy.

Richard Erskine and Amaia Mauriz-Etxabe will demonstrate psychotherapy and lead the group in discussing the theory, methods, and ethics of working with un-conscious relational patterns.

Participants are expected to have read both Beyond Empathy: A Therapy of Contact-in-Relationship by Erskine, Moursund & Trautmann; and
Relational Patterns, Therapeutic Presence: Concepts and Practice of Integrative
Psychotherapy by Richard Erskine.

Contato: Amaia Mauriz Etxabe. Dtra.
Institute, “Bios, Psicólogos”.
C./ Bertendona n.1, 3 izda.
48008 Bilbao

Telefone: +34 946000333; +34 68 888 7700
Página da Web:
This workshop will be in Spanish and English with professional simultaneous translation. A certificate of Continuing Professional Education will be issued on completion.
O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa é autorizado pela Associação Americana de Psicologia a oferecer educação continuada para psicólogos, pelo Conselho Nacional de Conselheiros Certificados para aqueles que fazem aconselhamento, e pelo Conselho Americano de Examinadores Pastorais para aconselhamento pastoral. O Instituto para Psicoterapia Integrativa assume a responsabilidade por este programa e seu conteúdo.